On a Saturday evening in December 1920, a bronze tablet and stained glass windows commemorating the sixteen members of the church who lost their lives during the Great War were unveiled. Following prayers the windows and the tablet were unveiled by the Rev. A.J. Perry (he himself had been awarded the Military Cross) the tablet being placed in the lobby of the church. The inscription reads as follows.
“The windows of this church are dedicated to the glory of God and the imperishable memory of the young men of this church and Sunday School who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914-18. Love conquers all things, even in death.”
Following the end of the 1939-45 conflict, a stone font with a dedicatory silver plaque was erected by the Young People’s Fellowship in memory of four church members who lost their lives whilst serving with the RAF.
Hexham Courant, 9th December 1920.