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United Methodist Church Organ Memorial Greenside « Back
United Methodist Church Organ Memorial Greenside United Methodist Church Organ Memorial Greenside

On Saturday, 21st February 1920, the trustees and members of the church held an opening ceremony for the memorial organ in memory of those members of the church who died and those who served in the Great War.

The organ was built by Mr. H. J. Nelson, of Durham. The casing is of oak and the pipes at the front are silvered, blown by electricity.

During the dedicatory service Lieutenant Colonel F.R. Simpson formally unveiled the organ and memorial tablets which are centred in the panels above the keyboard. Colonel Simpson spoke of the pleasure he had in unveiling the memorial, and called upon all to remember always that the organ was a memorial of lives laid down and services rendered.

The Rev. W. G. Peck, of Sandyford Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, dedicated the organ, and gave a suitable address to buy fake rolex, which was followed by a short organ recital by Mr. James M. Preston, organist of St. George’s Church, Jesmond. On completion of the ceremony a “Faith Tea” was held in the church hall attended by a good number of people. In the evening Mr. Preston gave another recital which was presided over by Mr. James Fewster, of Greenside. The soloist was Mr. James Hawkins, also of Greenside.

On Sunday morning and evening further prayers were said by the preacher, Mr. Fred Elsey (teacher at Emmaville School, Crawcrook) and in the afternoon Mr. Pallister, of Blackhill, gave an organ recital to a very large audience.


Blaydon Courier, 28th February 1920.
Blaydon Courier, 6th March 1920.



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