During a Sunday morning service in June 1921, a brass tablet commemorating the twenty one members of the church who fell in the Great War was unveiled and dedicated within the premises at Barmoor, West Ryton. The tablet is of brass and mounted on a wooden backboard. The ceremony was performed in front of a large congregation. The members of the Girls and Boys Life Brigades held a parade prior to the service.
Mr. Angus Watson, of Newcastle upon Tyne, who had received his religious training at the Congregational Church, carried out the unveiling and dedication service following a sermon and prayers. Mr. Watson said it was quite right that the tablet should bear no distinction as to rank or honour. They were all just their sons and boys who loved their country and went to fight when the occasion needed it.
Following the end of the 1939-45 conflict a plaque bearing the name of a church member who lost his life was unveiled in the church.